Pricing Calculator Average price of your product or service?*Number of new leads you could handle each month?*What is your typical profit margin?*10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Before any spend on marketing, and advertising, what is your profit.What is your sign up success rate?*Low (10%)1 in 4 closed (25%)About a third (33%)Half of enquiries closed (50%)Unstopable (90%)If you spoke to 10 potential clients, what percentage would sign up.Company DetailsName First Last Email* Phone numberWebsite addressGeographical areas coveredYour ResultsYour gross profit per client (£)Before cost of lead generation.Your total new clients (per month)Number of new leads times the sign up success rate.Your total monthly profit increase (£)Before cost of lead generation.Our ResultsOur charge per lead (£)You only pay for the leads we send you.Your total investment for the month (£)You only pay for the leads we send you.Your increased net profit for the month (£)You only pay for the leads we send you.